Combo Camper LLC - Testimonials
Here's what a few of our customers have had to say about us. Have a testimonial of your own to share? Click Here fill out our short testimonial form.

Scott Conway
Summer, 2021 - St. Paul, MN
Phenomenal design and workmanship, and I couldn’t be happier with my conversion kit!
Chris Decker
Fall 2014 - Gwinner nd
Other than the fact that combo camper was super easy to deal with they make a nice product that is super easy to install. I took a 1972 camper and converted it into an ice house something that I would think woulda caught in by now but the problem is that thier arnt any drop down axles with an frame to hold the extra weight of a camper. This is where combo camper comes in. They premaufacture frames based on your campers dimensions or any kind if trailer you want to drop down
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To our past clients: We appreciate your comments and if you would, fill out the form with comments and a photo about your experience at Combo Camper LLC. Fields marked with * are required. Please enter the Name field how you want your name to read on our website (Examples: John Doe, J. Doe, John D., John Doe Corporation).